Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands Horse

Players who are on the PC version of Kingdom Come Deliverance can use console debug commands that offer certain advantages and manipulate certain data in the game. These commands, which were originally active on the beta and alpha versions of Kingdom Come Deliverance, are still active on the final version of the game and are used to modify certain values according to the player’s preferences.

Some of the commands to be activated act as cheat codes that can be used, among other things, to make you rich or add any item to your inventory.

Horses are valuable companions in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Traveling on horseback is much more efficient than traveling on foot. Plus, horses help carry your belongings as well. You can acquire a horse early on in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, but you may want to consider upgrading to a stronger, faster steed later on. Kingdom Come: Deliverance – console commands To access the console commands menu press tilde Subscribe to the VG247 newsletter Get all the best bits of VG247 delivered to your inbox every Friday!

How to use console commands in Kingdom Come Deliverance :

To access Kingdom Come Deliverance’s debug console window, simply press the Tilde ~ key.

Below is a list of console commands known for Kingdom Come Deliverance :

Note that when you see the value « XX » on a command line, you must remove these two « XX » to add your own value.

Example: wh_cheat_money (XX) becomes wh_cheat_money (the amount of your choice)


Controls to manipulate the motion blur effect :

  • Deactivate motion Blur: r_motionblur 0
  • Change the value of the motion Blur: r_MotionBlur[0/1/2/3]

Default value is 1 (camera motion blur activated)


→ 1: motion blur of the camera;

→ 2: motion blur of the camera and object;

→ 3: motion blur mode;

Controls for handling HUD and FOV :

  • cl_showHUD 0/1 as well as g_showhud 0/1 – Disable / enable HUD;
  • cl_fov XX – Sets the field of view in degrees, the default fov is 60;
  • p_gravity_z XX – Defines the severity for you and the NPCs, knowing that 13 is the default value.
  • e_ViewDistRatio XX – Changes the distance at which objects start to appear on the screen. The default value is 500.
  • e_ViewDistRatioVegetation XX – Modifies the distance at which trees start to appear on the screen. The default value is 500.
  • e_MergedMeshesInstanceDist X – Modifies the distance at which the grass is animated. The default value is 20.

Manipulate the time of the game :

  • e_TimeOfDay – displays the current time in Kingdom Come Deliverance kingdom.

Manipulate game saves :

  • Save (the name of your file) – allows you to save the game;
  • Load (the name of your file) – allows you to load a game;

Get unlimited money and any object:

  • wh_cheat_money XX – put the amount of gold you want instead of the « XX »;
  • wh_cheat_addItem XX – to add any item to your inventory, you need the object ID;

Horses are an expensive commodity in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, but there’s one addition that seems curiously absent for most players. While you can purchase a bridle, saddle, and horseshoes for your trusty steed, there doesn’t appear to be any horse armor. You can’t buy horse armor in stores, and you can’t get it as a DLC item (i.e. Skyrim) — so where’s the horse armor?

It’s actually located in a secret hideaway that’s pretty tricky to find. You’ll have to explore the forests and find a giant nest with a dead horse inside. Is this an Easter egg? It’s definitely something strange, because this horse has the only known piece of horse armor in all of Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

Kingdom Come Deliverance Bow Reticle Command

More Kingdom Come: Deliverance guides on Gameranx:

Where To Find Secret Horse Armor | Location Guide

Horse armor is extremely rare, and (so far) we only know one location where it can be obtained. The armor is for the head of the horse, and increases defense when equipped. It also looks really cool, and makes your horse look all-around fancier. If you’re a warrior with full plate armor, and you’ve got all the accessories for your horse, then this horse armor is well-worth it.

To actually find the horse armor, travel into the deep woods east of Ledetchko. Navigate around the cliffs until you can reach the upper edges of the tall cliffside. On the edge, you’ll find a very strange sight — there’s a dead horse in a giant nest. You can see the nest from below.

Navigate up and around to the nest, then use the bushes to jump into the nest itself. You can actually stand on bushes for a moment before sinking. Loot the nest to get the horse armor.

So, why is this horse armor so hard to find? We can only guess that this is cut content, thrown into a weird Easter egg, and only included for players willing to look. In the future, there will probably be a more “official” horse armor, but for now this is the best your horse is going to get.


Kingdom Come Deliverance Unlock Command

Image Sources: [1], [2]