Business In A Box Eli Dangerfield

Hello! My name is Eli Jones and I am the Founder/CEO of Norman & Young - a Dallas/Fort Worth real estate media company offering listing photos, videos and 3D tours to Realtors in the DFW area. Founded in 2016, Norman & Young quickly grew from a 2 man team to the 15+ we have now. During this growth process we noticed that the more we continued to grow, the more important it was to have an in-depth set of protocol and training resources for our employees to ensure quality and consistency of our product and service. As we worked to build out this training program, it became clear that there was a real opportunity to sell it as an online course, and with that Real Estate Photographer Pro was born. My day to day is currently spent on this online school and my photography company is managed by my COO Mark Davis & our operations coordinator.

Startup entrepreneur Eli Dangerfield has built a multimillion-dollar digital empire and is now mentoring others to replicate his success, with many growing to generate tens of thousands each month. Dangerfield’s multi-millionaire business success story was written by the age of 22-years- old. My name is Eli Dangerfield, I was born on August the 26th 1998, which makes me 16 Years old. Ever since I was little I wanted to succeed. I am a filmmaker and entrepreneur. I was born and raised in beautiful Adelaide, Australia. This blog is dedicated to following my journey from almost nothing, to business success. Business In A Box saves you 90% of the headaches in establishing a business. It’s logical approach is easy to follow and a must have in the tool box of every start up business. Role descriptions, policies and practical information leads you through a complete process to ensure your business has the best possible opportunity of success. IT Business Net. News for IT Professionals. IT Business Net. Search for: Home. Eli Dangerfield, Clever Marketing and an Open Mind.

Eli Jones/ Success Interview

Business in a box eli dangerfield net worth

How to reach Eli Jones:

A post shared by Eli Dangerfield (@elidangerfield) on Dec 18, 2016 at 7:58pm PST Mr Dangerfield has since expanded his product range and scaled the business up through a lot of “trial and error”.

Online course:


Fort Worth Texas
Business in a box eli dangerfield jr

What's in Eli Jones's Camera Bag:

All my photographers use canon 6Ds with Canon 16-35. For aerials they use mavic air's.

Hello! My name is Eli Jones and I am the Founder/CEO of Norman & Young - a Dallas/Fort Worth real estate media company offering listing photos, videos and 3D tours to Realtors in the DFW area. Founded in 2016, Norman & Young quickly grew from a 2 man team to the 15+ we have now. During this growth process we noticed that the more we continued to grow, the more important it was to have an in-depth set of protocol and training resources for our employees to ensure quality and consistency of our product and service. As we worked to build out this training program, it became clear that there was a real opportunity to sell it as an online course, and with that Real Estate Photographer Pro was born. My day to day is currently spent on this online school and my photography company is managed by my COO Mark Davis & our operations coordinator.

What inspired you to become a photographer?

I grew up in Alaska, and there's really 2 things to do up there; hike and ski, and skiing was definately my thing. I was involved in freestyle skiing which is jumps and flips and stuff, and part of that culture is if you didn't get it on video, you're lying about it, and so I started in the camera world by shooting photos and videos of my friends at Alyeska Resort in Girdwood AK.

Tell us about your first photo that really validated your interest as a photographer?

To be honest I really don't remember a first photo that caught me.. I started shooting when I was about 14 so it's pretty much always been a part of what I do.


What do you enjoy photographing the most?

Apart from work shooting houses, I really enjoy shooting high end architecture. Our business model is pretty volume based so we don't typically shoot anything over $5m day to day, but occasionally we run into a gorgeous home and shooting those is NEVER work.

What has been your proudest moment as a photographer?

To be honest, it was the day I realized I needed to hire someone to keep up with the demand. So many people say it's hard to make a living taking photos, so it was a huge accomplishment to know that not only would I be supporting myself, but also had the business to support an employee.

How do you feel photography has impacted the way you see the world?

Taking real estate photos has allowed me to meet thousands of different people in their homes and see so many different kinds of people and viewpoints! Fun to be able to meet a huge variety of new people every day, and I've learned a lot from conversations along the way.

What is your best photography related tip?

Focus on your customers wants and needs if you want to shoot full time. Many photographers make the mistake of trying to design a market for their product, rather than designing their product to fit the market.

Your photos look amazing, what’s your secret sauce when it comes to post processing?

Simple, process based and consistent - this really only applies to real estate though as everything is about consistency and efficiency within this volume based industry. We rely heavily on software to do the work for us.

Speaking of which, what's your post-processing workflow?

Our process starts in lightroom where lens corrections are applied and white balance corrected, then straight over to Photomatix where the software blends the photos with our presets. From there its final tweaks in lightroom. We use photomatix due to how consistent and high quality the results our with our presets - we really don't have to do much to the images once they are done in photomatix apart from minor color and vertical corrections.

Business In A Box Eli Dangerfield Jr

What would you like for people to take away from your work?

My work is less about art, and more about building a real business and supporting my family. It's a huge blessing and responsibility to have the processes and systems ive put together help support many employees and their families.

What are some 'must-have' items in your camera bag?

Personally, I use an iPhone 11 to shoot photos for myself...don't kill me but I love the ease of use and constant availability. I wholeheartedly agree with the statement 'the best camera is the one you have with you' and my iphone is always with me. For work, I think a dang lens pen is the biggest must have - you wouldn't believe how dirty stuff gets without one!

If you were stuck on a deserted island, what is the ONE photography book you would want to have with you?

Yikes. I've only used youtube and forums for everything... so honestly I've never read a photo book. Can I choose my phone? haha

The Business In a Box 2.0 HOME CARE Startup Kit is Everything I use on a daily basis to run my home care business. I went from an $9.00 ‪cna‬ job to a $100,000.00/yr+ business. This is digital download.

Business In a Box 2.0 Home Care Startup Kit {Instant Download}


6 Phase Coaching Manual -This is a step by step guide on how to start your home care service.

Business In A Box Eli Dangerfield Jr.

The 6 Phases Are:
1.) Vision, Productivity and Entrepreneurship

2.) Home Care Business Setup

Business In A Box Eli Dangerfield Biography

3.) Home Care Business Compliance


4.) Caregivers: Hiring and Retaining Top Talent

5.) Marketing: Getting Home Care Clients

6.) Home Care Business Resources. The tools, programs, apps, systems etc. we use to operate our home care company.


Accountability Contract - This contract is designed for you and a trusted friend to ensure you reach your business goals.

Productivity Planner - This an awesome used by millionaire entrepreneurs to plan their day and stay productive while avoiding the day to day distractions.

50 Highly Effective Guerrilla Marketing Tactics - Top secret marketing methods and tactics to get leads hunting you down for how care services.

2 Hours Audio Training - Step by Step instructions on setting up your brand, marketing plan and sales system on a budget with no experience.

Caregivers Questionnaire - This is a highly effective company tool that we developed to screen applicants.

Bandit Sign Sample - This is our top client producing method. We use these on a weekly basis to keep out phone ringing.

Brochure Template - These are the actual brochures we use in doctors offices, assisted living facilities, nursing homes etc. We show you the exact copy we use to turn brochure racks into lead machine.

Business Card Sample - These are not your average business cards. These cards are designed to get leads.

Business Budget Spreadsheet - The Business Budget Spreadsheet will allow you the new business owner to see the actual numbers of your business. This is a great tool to track cost and manage your budget in a smart and efficient way. It's also very user friendly so no experience is required.

Client Profile Template - This editable document is absolutely necessary when meeting new clients, signing them up for services, keeping organized files and records.

Caregiver Policy & Procedures Manual -In order to be successful, your caregiving employees need to have a general understanding of your working conditions, employee benefits, and personnel policies. This editable version will allow you to fit this to your companies needs. Most states require this manual for every home care company.

Consent To Drug & Alcohol Screening -This document must be signed by all employees staff and caregivers. It give you the power to conduct drug and alcohol test. This is also good marketing tool when soliciting clients, reassuring them you run a drug and alcohol free organization.

Current Client Referral Letter Template -This editable letter is a very powerful tool in our direct mail marketing campaign. We use this in different variations to turn current clients into your biggest promoter.

CONFIDENTIALITY, NON COMPETITION, AND NON-SOLICITATION AGREEMENT - This might be the most important document in the the business in a box. This document will protect you from caregivers and staff stealing your clients, marketing ideas and business systems and using them.

Employment Application - This is the exact application we use to hire staff and caregivers as needed. It covers education, references, previous work history etc. Everything you need to know to make a informed decision.

Mileage Tracker - This is a great tool to track caregiver mileage so you can know exactly what to change clients. FYI we only charge clients mileage after a set amount of miles per week.

Monthly Cashflow Chart - This tool is a very effective way to track all your income, bills and expenses so you know exactly where the companies money is going.

These are only a few of the things you will receive in your business in a box. There are many more client, caregiver, business and marketing tools as well.

We will also send you your state requirements for operating a home care and home health business upon purchase.

FAQ: The business in a box 2.0 is a startup kit with all the documents, marketing materials etc. you need to start your home care service. There are also some training videos.
The Virtual coaching is all that plus on going coaching, much more detailed training and access to the private community of successful home care owners that have used the program.